Open Access:
“Whose Digital Middle Ages? Accessibility in Digital-Medieval Manuscript Culture.” Co-authored with Heather Bamford. Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies 14.1 (2022): 15-27.
“Celestina Now.” Celestinesca 40 (2016): 215-20.
“Re-reading Woodcut Illustration in Cárcel de amor 1493-1496.” Titivillus 1 (2015): 149-62.
“ ‘Este manjar es dulce’: Sweet Synaesthesia in the Libro de buen amor.” eHumanista 25 (2013): 127-44.
Articles in Journals
“Luna’s Romanas: Ancient Exempla in The Libro De Las Claras E Virtuosas Mugeres,” Forthcoming in Troianalexandrina.
“Reinventing Medieval Iberian Studies.” Revista Moderna Hispánica 74.1 (2021): 61-72.
“Digital-Medieval Manuscript Culture: A Tentative Manifesto.” Co-authored with Heather Bamford. Digital Philology 7.1 (Spring 2018): 35–51.
“Cuestiones odiosas: debate, parodia, y dialogismo en el Triunfo de las donas.” Cahiers d’Études Hispaniques Médiévales, 39 (2016): 95-110.
“The Greeks and the Romans: Translatio, Translation, and Parody in the Libro de buen amor.” Philological Quarterly 95.3-4 (Summer-Fall 2016): 323-41.
“ ‘Taking the Gold out of Egypt’: Prostitution and the Economy of Salvation in the Vida de María Egipciaca.” Hispanic Review 82.4 (Autumn 2014): 397-420.
“Reversing the Tapestry: Prison of Love in Text, Image, and Textile.” Renaissance Quarterly 64.4 (2011): 1059-1105.
“ ‘Puse un sobreescripto’ [I wrote a new cover]: Manuscript, Print, and the Material Epistolarity of Cárcel de amor.” Fifteenth-Century Studies 36 (2011): 25-48.
“The Legend of the Tributo de las cien doncellas: Women as Warweavers and the Coin of Salvation.” Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 32.1 (Otoño 2007): 9-25.
“Negotiating Incest and Exogamy in La fiyla del rey d’ungría.” La corónica 35.2 (2007): 83-102.
“The Hands of Philippe de Rémi’s Manekine.” Mediterranean Studies 15 (2006): 1-20.
“¿Qué dizes de las mugeres?’: The Historia de la donzella Teodor as the Conclusion to Bocados de oro.” La corónica 30.1 (Fall 2001): 87-110. (John K Walsh Prize 2002).
“Escaping by a Hair: Silvina Ocampo Re-Members Porphyria’s Lover.” Letras Femeninas 25:1-2 (1999): 65-77.
“ ‘Saber bien e mal’: The Fall and the Fruits of Reading the Libro de buen amor.” La corónica 26.2 (Spring 1998): 211-26.
Book Chapters
“Kindred Genres: The Iberian Ficciones sentimentales (Sentimental Fictions) and the Libros de caballerías (Books of Chivalry).” In the Tamesis Companion to the Hispanic Romances of Chivalry, eds. Axayácatl Campos García Rojas and Daniel Gutiérrez Trápaga. Boydell and Brewer (Forthcoming).
“‘Feeling like a king’: The Libro de Apolonio and the History of the Emotions.” In The Craft of the Cleric, eds, Robin Bower, Matthew Desing and Clara Pascual Argente. Brill (Forthcoming).
“Isabel la Católica for the 21st Century.” In A Companion to Isabel la Católica, ed. Hilaire Kalendorf. Brill, 2022. 339-365.
“Translation in the Libro de buen amor and the Libro de buen amor in Translation.” In Iberian Babel: Multilingualism and Translation in the Medieval and the Early Modern Mediterranean, eds. Nuria Silleras Fernández and Michelle Hamilton. Brill, 2022. 79-104.
“Celestina, the Canon, and the Practice of Pornographies in Iberian Medieval Studies,” in Pornographic Sensibilities: On the Culture of Sex and the Visceral in Imperial Spain. Eds. Chad Leahy and Nicholas Jones. Routledge, 2020. 34-55.
“‘Entre las otras sois vos’: The Cancionero de Herberay and Women’s Cultural Production.” Forthcoming in Women Warriors: Spirit and Voice in Early Modern Spain. Eds. Susan Fischer and Frederick De Armas. University of Delaware Press, 2019.
“‘The Queen of Time’: Isabel I in The Ministry of Time and The Queen of Spain.” In Pre-modern Rulers and (Post)modern Viewers: Gender, Sex, and Power in Popular Culture. Eds. Karl Alvestad, Janice North, and Elena Woodacre. Forthcoming, Palgrave Postmedieval, 2018.
“The Senses of Empire and Scents of Babylon in the Libro de Alexandre.” In Beyond Sight. Eds. Ryan Giles and Steven Wagschal. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018.
“The Early Modern Foundations of the Querella de las mujeres.” / “Los textos fundacionales de la Querella de las mujeres.” In Women Writers of Early Modern Spain – Routledge Research Companion. Ed. Anne J. Cruz and Nieves Baranda Letuario. Routledge 2017.
“El cuarto de atrás and the Intellectual Work of Student Writing.” Approaches to Teaching the Works of Carmen Martín Gaite. Ed. Joan L. Brown. MLA Publications, 2013. 122-32.
“Spiritual and Biological Mothering in Berceo’s Poema de Santa Oria.” The Inner Life of Women in Medieval Romance Literature: Grief, Guilt and Hypocrisy. Ed. Jeff Rider. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 159-78.
“Castilian Vernacular Bibles in Iberia 1250 – 1500.” The Practice of the Bible in the Western Middle Ages. Ed. Susan. Boynton and Diane Reilly. Columbia University Press, 2011. 315-38.
“Juan de Flores Delivers a Bull: Papal Politics and Triunfo de amor.” “De ninguna cosa es alegre posesión sin compañía.” Estudios celestinescos y medievales en honor del profesor Joseph Thomas Snow. Ed. Devid Paolini. New York: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 2010. 151-61.
“‘Lady, you are quite a chatterbox’: The Legend of St. Katherine of Alexandria, Wives’ Words, and Women’s Wisdom in MS Escorial h-I-13.” In St Katherine of Alexandria: Texts and Contexts in Medieval Europe. Ed. Jacqueline Jenkins and Katherine Lewis. Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts. Turnhout: Brepols, 2003. 131-152.
“Nuevas perspectivas en los estudios hispanomedievales: celebrando 40 años de La corónica, A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures.” Hispanismos del mundo: diálogos y debates en (y desde) el Sur. Ed. Leonardo Funes. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila, 2016. 275-79.
“The Riddle of Incest in Medieval Iberia.” Introductory Essay to Critical Cluster on Incest in Medieval Iberia. La corónica 35.2 (2007): 7-14.
“Spanish Sentimental Romance.” Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: An Encyclopedia. Ed. Margaret C. Schaus. New York: Routledge, 2006.
“Wisdom.” Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: An Encyclopedia. Ed. Margaret C. Schaus. New York: Routledge, 2006.
“Generic Instability and the ‘Sentimental Romances’.” La corónica 31.2 (Spring 2003): 274-77.