Translations and Editions

The Iberian Apollonius of Tyre. Co-edited and translated with Clara Pascual-Argente.  Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library.  Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2024.

The Triumph of Ladies / Triunfo de las donas. A Bilingual Edition and Translation. Medieval Feminist Forum Subsidia Series. Medieval Texts and Translations. Medieval Feminist Forum: A Journal of Gender and Sexuality 52, no. 3 (2016).

Available Open Access at: 

Three Spanish Querelle Texts: Grisel and Mirabella, The Slander, and The Defense of Women Against Slanderers. A Bilingual Edition and Study. The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe. Toronto: Iter/Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2013. Reprinted ACMRS, 2016.

Read a sample:


“Paternal Advice from Medieval Castile: The Castigos de Sancho IV (Selections) and Castigos y documentos que un sabio dava a sus hijas.” In Medieval Conduct Literature: An Anthology of Vernacular Guides to Behaviour for Youths with English Translations. Ed. Mark Johnston. Medieval Academy Publications, University of Toronto Press, 2010.  185-283.
